Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why does my cat scratch walls? Cat Scratching as Communication

Ok, this post is meant for those who are proud owners of a cat, a scratching post and a flat full of scratched furniture. Lets assume that your cat has a scratching post and regularly uses it. Why would the cat scratch the furniture? Why would your cat scratch walls in the middle of the night? Is it laziness? Is it lack of training? While these are possible explanations, there is one other reason why a cat might do this. It is trying to communicate, to get your attention!Cats are normally nocturnal animals, and if they become bored, it is natural that they want their human to wake up and entertain them.

Cats are highly intelligent. According to some research, they can achieve the mental level of a 2-year old human. Cats are also great problem solvers and will work out ways to get what they want. The problem is, they have difficulty communicating their needs to us.

Recommended treatment: a squirt from a spray bottle, or shaking a can filled with coins. If this fails and your cat wins the mental battle, use ear plugs :-)And dont even think of Draconian measures such as declawing a cat - its barbaric and unethical

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